Give the gift of a second chance at life


The season of giving is upon us, and as we reflect back on all who have given to the care of our horses with their dollars, their time and their love for these magnificent creatures, we want to say thank you.

This winter, we have 36 horses to feed. What an accomplishment when we had less that half of that just a few short years ago. We are also working to complete our stackyard – a structure built largely with the support of donated time – that will keep our hay stored from the elements and safe for our horses, donkeys, mules and ponies to consume.

Last year, almost all of our hay was donated but due to this summer’s drought, many of our regular suppliers produced only half to one third of their normal crop and a donation is not a possibility. What’s more, prices have skyrocketed and hay is currently pricing at about $13 per bale.

After shopping around, the most affordable horse hay we have found will be coming to us from Wyoming. We have committed to purchasing one semi truck load of 600 bales, and are hoping to get it delivered in early December before too much snow falls, and trucking becomes impossible. That load will cost upwards of $7,000. 

To keep our 36 mouths fed and securely make it to next hay season, we need to get a second load ordered, and soon.

Tuesday, December 4, is Colorado Gives, Eagle County Gives and Yampa Valley Gives days. Right now, we are at a critical time of need and every dollar, every bale you can help purchase makes a difference.

Please dig deep and give the gift of a second chance to the rescue horses at MVHR.  And please share our story with friends and family, the new lease on life we provide. 

The horses under our care often arrive at our gates in horrifying conditions, and if they could talk, they’d have heartbreaking stories to share. What a gift it is to be able to provide them with food, love, comfort and security for the rest of their lives.

From Sinclair, Racey, Stormy, Roman and ALL of our charges, thank you for filling bellies and providing hope – and Happy Holidays!

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