In Loving Memory
Horses come to us from varying backgrounds and are not always in the greatest condition. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, they don't make it. Some of them are older, other times they are injured, but they are all loved and given special, individualized care by our staff and volunteers.
No matter their circumstance, we're honored to be entrusted with their care, and take comfort knowing we do everything we can to offer these horses peace and comfort in their final days. Horses who take their final journey with us are humanely euthanized while surrounded by people who love them and, now that we own our property, buried on site in a special resting place that overlooks the river. Rest peacefully, dear angels.
Run Free & Fast Gentle Elvis....Elvis presented with a sore leg over the weekend, to not being able to use it at all by Tuesday morning. After further diagnostics by Dr. Stocker, X-rays revealed a dislocating fracture in his lower leg, making euthanasia the only fair decision we could make.
Elvis arrived in November 2024 together with Suede. This handsome, gentle giant had a personality as big as he was, but sadly a body that was slowly betraying him, with extensive hind end issues that had plagued him as long as we'd known him, and likely contributed to the failure of his front leg. Expected to be close to 30 years old, he still enjoyed all the visitors at MVHR, getting pets and lots of scratches from everyone her greeted at the fence in the last 5 months he was with us.
He went peacefully, surrounded by love, tears, and herd mates and now runs fast and free of pain with that beautiful herd in the sky. Goodbye Elvis...
Thank you Dr. Stocker, volunteers and team being there for Elvis. Thank you @carllindbloom for this beautiful picture of Elvis!
Very unexpectedly we lost one of our amazing Program Horses this past weekend; Chica. This big gentle mare became part of the MVHR Program Horse Herd shortly after we moved to McCoy. In her time at MVHR, she connected with the smallest children, the most timid people and was the most gentle soul for those experiencing horses for the first time. She was a Summer Camp favorite because of her cuddly and calm behavior, and so many children and adults had their first ever ride on Chica. She was a pony ride champion, taking thousands of children on her back at the ranch and at different outreach events, with patience and grace. We and many of you will miss her dearly.
Thank you Chica for your many years of service to the many you touched and taught. May you run fast up there Sweet Girl.
It is with great sadness that we share Chonco was laid to rest on January 10. Chonco arrived in June 2024 and quickly thereafter went to a wonderful foster home, just here in McCoy, where she enjoyed the rest she so deserved.
They helped her gain weight with special feed and lots of love. We estimated Chonco to be close to 40 years old. She chose a beautiful sunny day for a nice winter nap and decided she did not want to get up. These gentle souls often tell us when it’s time.
She now romps and plays in deep grass and warm sunshine…
We are so grateful for her wonderful foster mom for caring for sweet Chonco the last 6 months. Thank you Amy!
Dojo, a young gelding came from a kill pen lot where a good Samaritan rescued both him and Archer, but did not have room for them to stay long term. Both horses were likely passed through an auction, but not receive bids other than kill buyers. Although Archie presents healthy, Dojo showed up with a really bad front knee, likely the result of an injury he sustained and was not given the proper care, but disposed of instead. His knee was collapsing latterly so his prognosis was not good. We took x-rays to see the damage and it showed what we feared, no possible repair or pain free life for him. We are glad he made it to MVHR, where he was gently laid to rest, forever safe overlooking the river. Run Pain Free now Sweet Dojo.
As the herd bore witness and the eagles flew, two horses in our herd were laid to rest, Carmel and Sonny, and they were buried overlooking the river where they will forever be with us.
Carmel was suffering from increasing immobility and pain in her hind legs, which was beginning to make it difficult for her to get up after lying down. With snow and ice imminent, we felt it important to let Carmel leave this world with the energy and nobility she carried every day, rather than let her suffer undignified struggles in even more challenging conditions.
Sonny had been showing increasing signs of distress in his human interactions, alternately cuddling with and then lashing out at those in his corral. Possibly the result of past trauma, or a brain injury or tumor, his anxiety existing in this world of people was becoming increasingly difficult for him. Training and health care efforts in the time he was in our care only exacerbated his symptoms, and we chose instead to allow this senior gentleman to find the peace he likely had not had in his life in quite some time.
These decisions are never easy, but we rest assured knowing that these two incredible animals are no longer battling their respective challenges just to get thru another day. They now run free of any kind of pain, a part of an incredible herd of horses that MVHR is honored to have known and cared for.
Sadly, we did lose one of our most wonderful charges this month, Gabe. Gabe came to us as a retired roping horse with some lameness that needed some support in hopes that he could be a light riding horse, or even a ground work/program guy. His sweet, obedient nature would certainly have lent itself to such jobs. However we found that his stifles (equivalent to knees on the hind legs of the horse) were "shot", basically the structure of both joints had completely deteriorated. We experimented with a number of analgesics of increasing strength and saw no improvement in his comfort. As his pain progressed his body condition deteriorated, a clear sign that he was in extreme discomfort despite his stoic nature. He rarely if ever laid down, and when he did he had a hard time getting back up. In short, he was showing us clearly, in every way, that he was not living a quality life in spite of our best efforts.
Gabe was gently laid to rest and buried overlooking the river, where he joins a herd of valiant horses who have gone before him. It is these moments where we see most clearly the heartbreak of our work, but also know that it is imperative to give this most critical of ultimate care to those horses that come to us.
Boone was adopted from MVHR by Michelle Caldwell, about 8-9 years ago. She loved him at first sight, adored him, rode him...had him boarded at Cordillera. Sadly, Michelle passed away from cancer after owning him for just a couple of years. Michelle's partner, Judy, admittedly "not a horse person", in honor of Michelle pledged to always love and care for Boone. She has boarded him here with us, and we have loved him as our own while he participated in programs, where he thrived and shone. He was a big, strong, energetic horse who would be the first to quiet and lower his head for the smallest of visitors, making many a horse advocate in his quiet patience with everyone he met, big or small. His sweet presence will be deeply missed. Gratefully, he was not in pain for long (if at all), and remained his brave, quiet self even in his distress. He now is.....overlooking the river with the others. We imagine he and Michelle are going for a good gallop right about now;).
Al came to MVHR at the end of 2021 after a life as a hard working ranch horse. After the first few rides with Al, he came up lame and showed navicular changes, most likely the reason he became unwanted. We were able to keep him comfortable with special shoes, but this winter he presented a more severe lameness. This sweet boy received several treatments this past year to help him be more comfortable. Unfortunately Al had continued discomfort and presented most recently with a new lameness that we believe was a torn deep digital flexor tendon, something we could not repair.
The handsome, sweet boy was bright and amenable through all of the last weeks of treatments, patient while we tried to help him. We are grateful now to know that he is truly free of pain for the first time in many years.
Sweet Betty came to MVHR from a situation of severe, prolonged neglect. Initially, managing her metabolic issues and grossly overgrown hooves helped her immensely, and we were so hopeful she would make a full recovery. However her comfort level plateaued, and then she began spending the vast majority of her time laying down...getting up only to eat. In spite of all we tried for her, her hooves continued to be unable to grow anything resembling "normal" material and she was showing more and more signs that many other things (such as her chronically inflamed tendons) were painful too. She now runs, free of any pain. Her stoicism in the face of so many challenges will forever remain an inspiration.
Shade Ladie
This lovely mare was especially hard to let go of when a slip and fall injury proved catastrophic for the dear girl. Her spirit and willingness to get out and go will remain with and inspire us always.
This 20 year old Sorrel Gelding, was sweet and kind. After his arrival from a financial neglect situation, we found he had a very bad arthritic knee. After trying different pain relieving injections, his knee was much worse then we could help him with. Run Free of Pain sweet Chester!
Nova, Beamer and Tamian
These three sweet horses each battled their respective challenges with unique dignity and courage, and were patient with us while we learned from them and puzzled over what was best for them. The years of hoof neglect they had each suffered was ultimately more than they could overcome. Thank you, sweet souls, and God Speed… fast and free of pain
This beautiful, spirited, athletic mare was tragically injured in pasture with her friends, and was gently laid to rest when her injuries proved too extensive to allow for her to recover. God speed, beautiful girl.
This very sweet and gentle paint mare came to us at the end of June with an acute case of founder. She showed a lot of pain and X-rays determined the bone of her foot was very close to her sole. We tried for many weeks to get her more comfortable but were unable to achieve this. She spend the majority of the time lying down as she simply could not stand without a lot of pain. Giving her the maximum amount of pain meds did not help, and would have caused much larger issues long term to internal organs. On Aug 10th she showed us she was ready, and we laid her to rest peacefully. Run free now sweet Star - you touched many hearts in your short time at MVHR.
Blizzo arrived at MVHR this spring with a severe knee injury, that had not healed properly. His knee continued to swell and had started to collapse laterally, even with injections and all we’d tried for him. His comfort and mobility seemed more compromised almost every day. He now runs again, free of pain with so many other wonderful horses.
Maverick arrived at MVHR with a severe hip injury. Walking was difficult and he could no longer lie down. Through his sweet demeanor he showed he was clearly in a lot of pain. We were able to provide him some comfort however an ultrasound showed his pelvis was fractured some time ago. Without the option of this ever healing we had to make the difficult decision to lay him to rest. Run pain free dear Boy!
This sweet 2 year old filly came to MVHR because of her congenital deformities. Without supportive care early in her life, there is little MVHR could do to "fix" little Ariel. We kept her comfortable for as long as we could, but as her good leg kept growing, and her bad leg didn’t she remained in pain. She was gently laid to rest overlooking the river. Run free beautiful girl
Morena came to us in May 2020 with a bad knee injury. In spite of MVHR trying every option to make her more comfortable, her mobility and contentedness was decreasing by the day. Rather than wait for her "worst" day, she was gently laid to rest on April 1, 2021, surrounded by loving staff and volunteers, on the hillside overlooking the river. She now runs with an amazing herd of horses, forever free of pain.
Little Man
This cute little guy was with us at MVHR only a short while, but he touched many hearts. We are grateful to have given him a loving home in the final days of his life.
Sinclair came to MVHR from Barbara Wright at Harmony Horse Works, who partially sponsored his ongoing care. After rescuing and rehabilitating horses for over 15 years, Barbara has retired and entrusted her sweet therapy horses to our care. At 47 years old, Sinclair was our oldest resident and has a lifetime of experience (and personality) to bring to everyone he met! With terrible heart ache Sinclair was laid to rest in March of 2020. He was a spunky goofball through his final moments, inspiring us all to live life to the fullest. Run free, dear boy. Say hello to your old friends Nacona and DeBask for us.
Baylor was a steadfast friend to all he met, and carried his age with great nobility and gentleness of spirit. He was blessed to spend his last months in the loving care of a local foster family, where he knew excellent care and dear friends, both horse and human.
MVHR is eternally grateful for the love and compassion Baylor's foster family shared with him, especially in his final hours.
Brownie came to MVHR severely emaciated, but as sweet as can be. Bloodwork revealed severe metabolic issues and possible cancer, but working closely with Dr. Silvia Stocker, MVHR worked to get him comfortable. Excellent feed improved his weight, but his body did not tolerate medications for the metabolic disorder, and his condition continued to deteriorate. After nearly a year of treatments, with options exhausted, the difficult decision was made to let the sweet boy go. Opinionated and lovable throughout the year that we knew him, Brownie showed us all how to handle difficulty with good humor. God speed, Brownie!!!!
It is with great sadness that MVHR must share the news of the passing of one of our newest intakes.
Just a week after his arrival, the sweet palomino gelding who had yet to be named, presented with colic like symptoms. On further examination with Dr. Silvia Stocker, concerns about his cardiovascular system also arose. Even after a full day of medications and fluids, his comfort continued to deteriorate.
As the moon rose over the mountains, he was gently laid to rest, and joins the herd forever overlooking the river and all of us.
At moments like these we often wonder why some horses come to us, only to pass so soon after. This handsome guy, who we came to call Buddy during his day of medical treatments, came with a handsome friend, with whom he had lived for at least the last two years, just the two of them, abandoned in a pasture. It would almost seem that Buddy had a mission - to get his handsome friend to a place of safety with the possibility of love and other friends. Only then could he succumb to the physical challenges he had likely been harboring for a long time.
We are honored to have known Buddy and his stoic, willing nature, if only for a short week. And we are most deeply humbled and honored that he entrusted the care of his friend to us, and MVHR looks forward to helping him find a new friend, and a forever home.
God speed handsome Buddy!
Gabby was purchased at auction in the fall of 2011, to keep her from kill buyers. She quickly found an adoptive home through MVHR, and lived happily with their family until they had to move into town and could no longer have animals, and she returned to MVHR in 2018.
4/17/2019 - With heavy hearts, MVHR must share news of the passing of our dear mule Gabby, who was euthanized on Wednesday as her ringbone had continued to progress, making her less and less comfortable, even just walking in her corral. Our sweet girl went out to pasture early Wednesday morning, had a good roll in the grass, then laid down for an hour or so next to her pasture mate Latigo, enjoying the sunshine. She got up late morning, was groomed head to tail by one of our wonderful volunteers, then grazed and moseyed her way to a spot in the sun, at a high point in the pasture. She grazed there until Dr. Stocker arrived, seeming for all the world to have chosen her spot. After love and tears, she was gently laid to rest where she stood. She will always be with us from her spot on the gentle rise in the pasture, stoically being companion, comfort, advisor, whatever is needed....just as she was while she was alive. We will miss your long, soft ears...and your not so subtle nudges for more fast, dear girl!!!!.
Blondie was bought by MVHR in fall of 2011 to keep her from slaughter. A 20+ year old Belgian mare who had been brood mare all her life, she was never been broke to ride, but prefers to be Mama to the herd and the people here at MVHR. Blondie is blessed to be fully sponsored by a local supporter, and so remains at MVHR to keep an eye on all of us. In September of 2016, Blondie fulfilled part of her legacy, being the first MVHR horse to set foot on MVHR’s permanent home in McCoy. Here she will continue to oversee all of us, and promote efforts to carry out plans for additional facilities on property to help MVHR help more horses.
6/17/2018 - It is with the heaviest of hearts that MVHR must share sad news on Fathers Day. Our magnificent boss mare Blondie passed away this morning. In her mid twenties, this beautiful Belgian mare had lived a full life - as mother to many before MVHR purchased her at auction to keep her from kill buyers. In her years with MVHR she gently, firmly, and stoically lead us all, both human and horse. Her steadfast wisdom was a constant source of guidance, comfort, and support. Blondie brought MVHR to our forever home, and was the first MVHR horse to set foot on the ranch in McCoy. Thank you, Blondie, for all you have done with and for all of us. Be wild and free beautiful girl. No one deserves wings more than you.
Nacona came to MVHR, with Sinclair, from Barbara Wright at Harmony Horse Works. In her 30's, Nacona brought a lifetime of experience and personality to everyone she met here at MVHR through her participation in our education, outreach, and therapy programs. We sadly said goodbye to Nacona in February of 2018, when she joined her friend DeBask in a final resting place here with us forever, over looking the river, as the eagles soared.
Handsome Monk was euthanized June of 2017. After over a year of treatments, medications, and exquisite care thanks to his generous sponsor, Monk’s pain became too much. With his knee continuing to collapse, he was gently laid to rest on the hill overlooking the river. He will never be too far away from his mares, and his knee will never hurt again. Run free, handsome! We love you!
Dear DeBask was euthanized on October 3, 2017. DeBask had been suffering from minor recurring colics, but this one turned major, and his pain could not be managed, even under the outstanding care of Dr. Silvia Stocker. Given his age, breed, and presentation, it is likely he had strangulating lipomas disrupting his digestive system. He was put down as the full moon rose over the mountains, surrounded by the love of staff and volunteers. He was buried on the hill overlooking the river, where he will forever be at peace, pain free, but never too far away. Run free DeBask, we will miss your big spirit!
Sweet Lazarus was in a bad way when he came to us, and was found roaming by ranchers who brought him to our door. Though he only lived 13 days on our ranch, he quickly made his way into our hearts and memories and he will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Rest in peace Lazarus.