Dear MVHR Community;

As restrictions tighten across our great state to help insure the health of our communities, MVHR finds that we must further restrict visits to the ranch.  With heavy hearts, we must ask that all of our volunteers and any other visitors stay home, in accordance with Governor's order which goes in to effect today. 

Focus on staying and being well so that you can get back to the horses in April!!!  

Our wonderful horses will continue to receive outstanding care, with our onsite caretaker covering  evening and early AM shifts, and a staff member covering each days' AM and mid-day feeding and chores.  We each will have careful eyes on the horses to be sure they are weathering the sudden quiet at the ranch in health and happiness.

IF you are willing and able to be the volunteer staff person for an entire day (covering multiple shifts of feeding and chores in a day, completely independently), please reach out to Steph ( to be added to a list of "back up" individuals who may be called upon to provide staff relief, should that be needed for any reason during this time.

PLEASE.... be well, stay home, and we'll look forward to seeing you all happy and healthy again soon!


Shana Devins