As our larger community continues its amazing efforts to overcome COVID-19, we at MVHR are excited to begin a GRADUAL reopening of our facilities, and welcoming of our community back to the ranch.

In order for this reopening to be successful and sustainable, and adhere to local and state guidelines for continued recovery, MVHR is OPEN, although BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, and with the following limitations:

-First, we ask that anyone with any symptoms, possible exposure to the virus, or in high risk groups, not consider a visit at this time, for the health of the MVHR and broader community.  

-Second, we ask that all visitors to the ranch take precautions recommended by the CDC such as “social distancing” (refraining from shaking hands, for example); frequent, thorough hand washing and use of hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of 60% or higher; and avoid touching the face and mouth area. We also suggest using bleach disinfectant (such as Clorox wipes) to clean areas such as steering wheels, door knobs, gate latches and faucet handles that are frequently touched.  Disinfecting wipes are available in the cabin, so that you can clean common touch areas before and after your contact with them.

-Third, we ask that you come prepared with a cloth (or better) face mask to wear if working in close proximity to others.  Fortunately, the vast majority of our work is outside and in wide open spaces where personal distance is very manageable, but for any time you are in close proximity to others or sharing common spaces, please wear your mask.

-Finally, we are strictly limiting the number of people on property at one time to help make all of the above most possible.  So to reiterate, we ask that you be sure to schedule your shift/visit with Shana before coming out, and also make sure that anyone joining your (friends, family, etc.) strictly adheres to the guidelines above, in addition to usual MVHR procedures.

 We rely on our community and amazing volunteers to provide outstanding care for the animals, and we need you now more than ever!  We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this challenging time for our community.  With compassion and thoughtfulness, we can all protect and support one another during this difficult time.  The resilience of our amazing community will help us through these challenges, and we look forward to throwing open the gates of the ranch, and embracing our community again soon.  Until then, be well and take care of one another! 

Shana Devins