Volunteer Spotlight: Lynn and Steve

If we had an award for the volunteers who travel the furthest, it would go to Lynn and Steve Davis every year. Each summer or fall for the past nine years, they’ve traveled to Colorado from New Hampshire to visit friends and family and to spend time helping out at MVHR. That’s a lot of miles and impressive dedication!

Lynn and Steve discovered MVHR in 2013, when they had exhausted their list of tourist attractions and decided to look for more local events to attend. Lucky for us, they read about an MVHR fundraiser in the Vail Daily and thought it sounded perfect. After attending and meeting some wonderful people, Lynn says, “Shana invited us to visit the rescue which was then at Bruce Creek, and we have been coming back every year since.”

 Our East Coast volunteers are well-known for tackling some of our bigger maintenance projects when they are in town, which has been incredibly helpful over the years. Their favorite tasks are “chores, fixing things around the rescue and basically anything that helps the rescue and the horses.” Though they didn’t have any background with horses when they first started volunteering, they’ve since learned how to feed, the “fine art of mucking”, and a great deal about horse behavior and their needs.

 They both enjoy volunteering at MVHR because it gives them the opportunity to simply be around the horses. Lynn says, “we find our interactions with the horses and other folks at the rescue to be both relaxing and peaceful.” She and Steve have met a lot of MVHR’s Rescues over the years. Right now, their favorite is Roman, who also happens to be the first horse they met at MVHR.

 We are so grateful to Lynn and Steve for making the trip to MVHR each year and doing anything that needs to be done at the ranch. They have come to be part of our extended family over the past nine years, and we hope we’ll continue to be part of their Colorado memories for many years to come.

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