Volunteer Spotlight: Cat Stone

Like many in our valley, Cat graduated from college and moved to Vail to be a ski bum. After checking that item off her bucket list, she migrated to Denver where she taught elementary school for 13 years and started to raise a family. She, her husband and 2 boys made the move back to Eagle County four years ago to rediscover the mountain lifestyle.

Cat started volunteering at MVHR in November and covers the Tuesday morning chore shift. She will also be helping out with our programs this summer, heading the new session of High School Rescue Club.

Having always loved horses, Cat enjoys learning more about them through her time at the Rescue. She hopes to adopt a horse from MVHR one day, but first is gaining as much insight as she can through chores, groundwork and communication. She has learned much from our caretaker and trainer, Joel, already. “He has given me a new perspective of horses and taught me the beginnings of a long and rewarding journey of horsemanship I hope to cultivate.”

Cat feels it is important to give back to the community and says the most rewarding part of volunteering is learning from the horses. She also loves a freshly mucked paddock. So do we! Her favorite horse right now is Tango. “She has a mystery to her [and] it has been fun watching her as a mother to an energetic and curious filly.”

We are so happy to have Cat as part of our volunteer community and excited to see her step into a programs role. We also look forward to helping her pursue her dream of horse ownership one day. Thank you, Cat, for bringing your time, talents and heart to MVHR!


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