The Horses: Reduce the Waitlist & Help More Horses in Need

Mountain Valley Horse Rescue’s 115-acre ranch offers plenty of room for more equines in need, but to bring them in requires more trainers, additional funds for food and vet care, and more staff (not a lot, but one or two) to manage and train the herd, and to support our volunteers and outreach efforts.

Your donations will help MVHR to make further progress reducing our waitlist of 40+ horses in need.  MVHR has the room, but to care for more equines, beyond our current 25+ charges, we need more resources: staff, sponsors, training, vet care, and enhanced facilities.  All of these resources lead to more adoptions, and more second chances for horses next year and beyond. 

Expanding our capacity will increase adoptions and open the door more frequently to the equines on our waitlist. As we always say, MVHR is making a dent in the broad issue of the ongoing thousands of horses in need in Colorado and, with your help, we are making a lifetime of difference for each and every horse, pony, donkey and mule who finds its way to MVHR.

Read about our dreams Looking Forward for Our Programs

Read about our dreams Looking Forward for The Ranch

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