Volunteer Spotlight: Betsy Striedel

With her home located near Bond, Colorado, Betsy might be the MVHR volunteer with the shortest commute. She also may be the volunteer with the most medical experience, having been a vet tech at a large and small animal clinic for about 10 years before deciding to pursue a career in architecture.

Betsy grew up raising cattle on the gulf coast of Texas, and then spent several years between San Antonio and Austin while she finished her master’s degree in architecture. She landed in Eagle County a year ago after taking a job with Zehren and Associates, and has been volunteering at MVHR for a few months. She currently assists with chores, but is also training to help with the more intensive PM feeding shift.

During her vet tech years, Betsy spent more time handling and working with primates, exotic cats, wolves, and birds than horses, but said “I've always had a soft spot for horses, mules, and donkeys.” Though not a proficient rider, she says she does know how to communicate with animals in a respectful and gentle way. Something our equines appreciate, especially when they’ve come from abuse or neglect situations. When asked who her favorite horse at the ranch is – the answer is currently Crow. She continued, “he's extremely personable and gentle - plus, he's a looker - and what lady doesn't enjoy that?” You don’t have to convince us!

Betsy volunteers because she wants to the Rescues to have the comfortable life they deserve. It also gives a lot back to her. “Being of service to such gentle creatures brings me joy, the community of MVHR makes me feel welcome, and the work keeps me humble and grounded,” she said.

We are thrilled to welcome Betsy to the MVHR community and grateful to her for volunteering her time and sharing her skills with the Rescue and each of its equines.

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