We can't do it without you!

Get Ready for Colorado Gives Day -- Next Tuesday, December 7

Our Hearts are Hopeful that you will continue to -- or for the first time -- support the horses, donkeys, mules and ponies that have found their way to Mountain Valley Horse Rescue!  Today, on Giving Tuesday, and we invite you to schedule your Colorado Gives Day donation in support of MVHR’s mission to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome abused, neglected, abandoned and unwanted equines. 

Colorado Gives Day is the largest day of philanthropic giving in Colorado.

Your Colorado Gives Day donation goes even further, thanks to the $1.6 Million Incentive Fund made possible by the Community First Foundation and FirstBank. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day receives a portion of this fund, increasing the value of every dollar you donate. 

MVHR’s waiting list of equines in need shows no sign of slowing down. The average annual cost to provide basic care for one horse for one year is $6,000. Currently, we have 25 rescues at the ranch. Caring for the Rescue herd is a 24-hour job. There are no days off providing food, medicine, shelter, and training.  All leading to more successful adoptions and room to bring in more Rescues. Your generous financial support makes this possible.

Last year, you donated over $50,000 to MVHR on Colorado Gives Day! We have the need and high hopes to raise even more next Tuesday – also earning a share of those incentive funds for doing so - but we need your help to do it! 

Schedule your donation to process on Colorado Gives Day, December 7th, by visiting MVHR's Colorado Gives Day page.  Enter or select your donation amount, then click the Green “SCHEDULE FOR GIVES DAY” button. Your gift - whether $5 or $1,000 - creates a brighter future for each and every equine we bring to MVHR.

With our sincere thanks,

  ~ The Staff, Volunteers, Board and Equines at Mountain Valley Horse Rescue

Marleen Bosch