Board Member Recruitment

Mountain Valley Horse Rescue (MVHR) is looking to expand our all-volunteer Board of Directors with up to three new members. Please read the following information, and if you are interested in applying, complete our online application by April 16th, 2021.

Basic Roles & Functions

The primary roles of the Board are to:

  • Work with the Executive Director to help make key operating and policy decisions

  • Assist in assuring that fiduciary responsibilities are met

  • Plan and execute fundraising (with staff and other volunteer support)

  • Fill support gaps as needed -- on site and administrative

  • Annually (or monthly) donate funds to the level each member is able

  • Commit to lead and/or work on projects and activities that match the skills brought to the Board (in addition to horse time: this is the fun part!)

  • Help to fill in on-site equine care and/or feeding shifts as capable

For more detailed descriptions of Board responsibilities, including Officer roles, please contact Executive Director, Shana Devins at

Time Commitment

Average 2 hours/week  

Current Board members, particularly Officers, are spending an average of 2-5 hours/week on MVHR projects, on site and/or from home; of course, this isn’t always an even spread of time depending on events and other needs. This includes monthly Board meetings (via Zoom or, when it is safe, in person), currently on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the evening.

Skills Desired

(One or a combination; not expected all in one person)

  • Horse Knowledge/Experience

  • Education/Program Development

  • Marketing

  • Fundraising

  • Donor Cultivation (Individuals & Organizations)

  • Event Planning & Implementation

  • Building/Construction

  • Grant Research/Writing

  • Financial Oversight

  • Legal Expertise

Our Board strives to be as diverse a group of individuals as possible, with a dedication to the MVHR Mission and Values and a blend of the skills listed. Ideally, we will also be from all of the counties in our region: Eagle, Routt, Garfield, Moffat, Pitkin, Summit, and Lake.

If you are interested in serving on the MVHR Board of Directors, please apply online no later than Friday, April 16th. Here is a preview of the questions on the online application:

1.    How did you first learn about MVHR?

2.    What is your current involvement with MVHR? And for how long?

3.    Why are you motivated to join the MVHR Board of Directors?

4.    What specific skills and/or areas of interest will you bring to the Board? And how do you see yourself contributing to the organization?

5.    What changes or improvements would you like to see at MVHR?

6.    Describe any previous experience as a Board member of a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and, if applicable, of an equine rescue (neither is required).

7.    Please provide contact information for three relevant references who can speak to your potential contributions to MVHR

8.    Describe your experience, if any, in caring for equines (this is not a requirement)

Selection Timeline

April 16th: Applications due

April 30th: A Committee of Board and Staff complete review of all applications. 

May 12th: The Committee sends applications of recommended interviewees to the full Board.

May 18th Board Meeting: Candidate interviews with the full Board (via Zoom). The Board decides on the best candidates.

May 19th-21st: Reference calls made.

Week of May 24th: New Board members invited; any folks not invited are advised (by a personal call).

Thank you for your support and interest in participating in the leadership of Mountain Valley Horse Rescue!

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