Volunteer Spotlight: Lori Pierce

Growing up on a chicken farm in central Illinois, Lori has always enjoyed working outside and getting her hands dirty. After seeing an article in the Vail Daily, she thought volunteering at MVHR sounded like a good way to give back to the community. “It’s been great getting back to my roots and helping out with all the animals,” she said.

A retired pharmacist, Lori and her husband lived, worked and raised their family in Chicago. They’ve owned a townhome in Eagle County since 2009 and moved to the valley permanently 5 years ago.

Lori started volunteering at the Rescue in October 2020 and is the Tuesday afternoon mucker. She loves interacting with each horse, and also enjoys feeding the chickens and cats. Her family loves hearing her stories and seeing her photos after each Tuesday shift. “The ranch environment has brought back so many wonderful memories for me”, Lori said. “Being outside at the ranch is so quiet and peaceful.”

When asked who her favorite horse is, Lori is partial to boarder Boone’s gentle and loving demeanor, and has enjoyed seeing new intake Ariel settle into her new home. She says it’s been fun watching her adjust to her new corral mates.

About the people at MVHR, Lori said “It’s so gratifying to see the sincerity and kindness of Shana, Joel and the other volunteers I have met.” She says she feels so lucky to be part of our organization and we feel very fortunate to have her as a regular volunteer. MVHR simply would not be able to do what it does without the dedication of our wonderful volunteers.

Thank you, Lori, for the mucking, great care and commitment you bring to MVHR each week!

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