Volunteer Spotlight: Jenna and Alee

Jenna Oppenheimer and Alee Germiller have only started volunteering recently, but they have already accrued more volunteer hours than most people do in months. Both work for the Town of Vail, but live in Leadville, making the commitment to come to McCoy even more impressive!

Alee moved to Eagle County in high school where she met Jenna, who grew up here. Both have different levels of experience with horses, but share the same fondness for them. Jenna grew up in the 4-H program and “always longed to be a part of the horseless horse program, but that never came to be.” Though it’s taken her a while, she said she’s finally realized that there are things related to her interests that she can still take part in. “I never would’ve imagined that I’d enjoy, or even be physically able to, spend all day scooping poop in the sun, but it is truly so much fun.”

Alee, on the other hand, grew up on a small 5-acre plot with two pastures in Arizona, where her family raised horses, mules, wolf dogs, and the occasional beef cow. She bought her first personal horse, Zeus, after they moved to Colorado to work at a local dude ranch. Of the latter, she said “I like dirty, dusty, hard work, and find it quite relaxing.” In fact, she still prefers hard work to sitting at a desk, enjoys helping others and loves being around horses. “Volunteering lets me do all three.”

At MVHR, Jenna and Alee most often help with chores and water, but enjoy feeding as well. “I love going home covered in dirt and smelling like the horses, it’s so fulfilling knowing how much you’re bettering these wonderful horses’ lives and seeing them warm up to you after being unsure about newcomers at first,” Jenna said. Alee echoed that last sentiment saying she likes “seeing the horses, learning their different quirks and personalities, or watching which of the skittish ones will become bold enough to come stand with you if you take enough time cleaning their pen.”

Both have quickly bonded with many of the Rescues and boarders at MVHR and had a hard time choosing a favorite. Jenna’s list of favorites includes Stardust, Woodrow (“has the best kisses”), Pedro (“has my favorite nose”), and Cali, who was the first to come over and say “Hello”. Alee gets emotional around Latigo, who looks like her first horse, Zeus. She is also a fan of Pedro, Stardust and Woodrow, but said “I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with Moonshine, and talking to her while we covered the weekend feed shift. She seems very energetic and talkative.”

Though they’ve only just begun their volunteer journey with MVHR, Jenna says it already feels like they are part of the family. We couldn’t agree more! Thank you, Jenna and Alee, for jumping in with both feet and already being such an integral part of our operation. We hope you are part of the family for many years to come!

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