MVHR Journeys of Hope - Horses you are helping by donating TODAY!
2024 kicked off the 20th anniversary of MVHR helping horses, so it seems only appropriate that it has been a record year for MVHR Journeys of Hope. With 30 adoptions finalized and 70 horses cared for throughout the year, it is truly our biggest year ever! Foundations laid in previous years, in the ground of the ranch, the opening of Robin’s Nest, and the remodel of the Original Barn, make these recoveries possible, and thank goodness because we continued to see the number of horses in need keep the corrals full and our waiting list long.
Some 2024 Adoption highlights include:
Chip, who arrived emaciated and afraid to even be touched, but is now barrel racing with his very own girl, who proudly declares with words on the back of her horse trailer "My Best Friend is in here!".
Monty & Angel, who came together and left together, to a beautiful field of grass up past their knees where they will spend their retirement with their very own loving family.
Freckles, who found a girl of her own with "freckles, just like her", and now regularly stars in social media posts.
Firefly, who shed a name and years of trauma in order to be scooped into the loving care of "her" person who sings opera to her when she is even a little bit worried.
Truly, the young thoroughbred who is realizing all of her potential with an owner making the journey of growing and training alongside her, and celebrates their partnership with breathtaking photo shoots.
Gus & Charcoal, who will be adventuring together, hiking with their new owner into the mountains of western Colorado.
And Little Bay, who has two little boys of his very own to do a little cowboying with in his golden years.
Make these Journeys of Hope Possible - Donate Today!
Now MVHR heads into the New Year with a bigger herd than ever before, all looking for their own people, such as:
Lucky, who is gorgeous and gentle and ready to meet a partner for leisurely adventures.
Babe, who is finally exploring all she'd like her life to be, now that she is free of pain.
Clementine, the stunning mustang mare who is well started and looking for a partner to explore the world with!
Vern, the magnificent 8 year old Belgian, who is listening carefully for the footsteps of a trusted handler who can help him navigate life with everything except his vision.
And Gem, who will do anything for someone willing to pay it forward with gentle hands and TLC.
Each of these amazing horses in the MVHR herd defies the stereotype of the “rescue” horse that has little left, and reminds us how important our work is. To help those horses who simply need time and space to make a transition to a new and wonderful life full of safety, love and opportunity.
In 2025, MVHR will continue to help more horses, by guiding them in their Journey of Hope to a new life and then welcoming those who are next…
But we need your help to make it all possible. To change lives for horses, one at a time. To give them an opportunity at Hope when their owners no longer can.
Please, join us, in creating Journeys of Hope. Make your year end donation TODAY. Forward these stories to friends, share why you support MVHR, and ask them to do the same!
Will you consider helping MVHR continue to make more Journeys of Hope possible? Donate to the Horses this Year End!