Help the Horses from Home!

2020 has been quite a challenging year - likely for you - certainly for Mountain Valley Horse Rescue! 

The pandemic has upended plans, and nearby wildfires are cause for concern and preparedness.  Early in the pandemic, MVHR literally had to close the gates to all but our most experienced volunteers.  Despite that dramatic change to the daily feeding and care schedule, staff and a handful of volunteers rose to the challenge, and the horses prospered. 

In past summers, the MVHR community gathered for brunches in the Eagle and Yampa River Valleys to build support for the Rescue herd.  This year, we have had to reinvent our way of connecting with you, our steadfast supporters.  Summer brunches in years past raised enough funds to sponsor 5 to 6 Rescue horses for a full year, but we cannot gather the same way this year.  Still, your continued support is critical to providing the daily needs of the Rescue herd and operating a working ranch.

We created this home-grown video just for you and hope that these recent stories from MVHR touch your heart and inspire you to GIVE to the horses today.  Take a few minutes to meet and hear from volunteers, program participants, sponsors, supporters and adopters.  Shana Devins, Executive Director, also tells the story of Morena, a recent Rescue.

Shana Devins